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The Chigasaki City Museum website (hereinafter, “the Website”) is the website operated by the Chigasaki City Museum (hereinafter, “the Museum”). The Website has established the following terms of service, and shall strive to make a website which all users can access with peace of mind.
Furthermore, the Website will be operated in accordance with About the siteopen_in_new page listed on the official website of Chigasaki City.
The data published on the Website (text, photographs, illustrations, images, and programs, etc.) is subject to copyright, and is protected by law. (Additionally, the copyright to certain images, etc., belongs to the original creator.) Furthermore, the Website in its entirety is subject to copyright as a compilation, and is likewise protected by the copyright law.
This data may not be reproduced or repurposed without the permission of the Museum, except in cases recognized by copyright law, such as reproduction for personal use or quotation. If you wish to use this data, please contact the Chigasaki City Museum.
However, the data provided in the Chigadabe (digital archive) on the Website may be freely reused. When reusing said data, we ask that you pay special attention to the following items. These requests are not a legally binding contract, but we ask for your cooperation in bearing them in mind when using this content.
  • ・Please list the creator's name, participating organization, data creator, holding institution, etc. as the source. The example source listing is based on “Using Data: Examples of Source Listing” (https://jpsearch.go.jp/policy#cdyik31plngmj) in the Japan Search Site Policy. Please use it as a reference.
  • ・When editing or processing data, etc. and using it, please document that you have done so. Please be careful not to publish data that you have edited or processed, etc. in a manner which makes the work or document’s original creator or an affiliated organization appear to have created said data.
  • ・Please retain the statement that said data may be freely reused.
  • ・Please be careful not to use the data in a way that would harm the reputation of the original work or its creator. Please also be respectful of the cultures and communities associated with the original works.
  • ・Please also be mindful of rights other than copyright (moral rights, neighboring rights, likeness rights, publicity rights, privacy rights, and trademark, etc.), and obey the relevant laws.
3.Handling of Personal Information
・Definition of Personal Information
“Personal information” refers to all information related to an individual which can identify them (including address, name, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.).
In addition to cases in which an individual can be directly identified by name, even if the name is unknown, information which be combined with other information to identify an individual constitutes “personal information.”
The Website takes special care with regard to protecting the privacy of users, and strives to manage the handling of personal information properly in accordance with the Chigasaki City Personal Information Protection Ordinance. Regarding “Contact us via the website,” this is done through the Chigasaki City official website.

・Limits on Collection of Personal Information
When the Museum collects personal information via the Internet, as a general rule, the information is to be provided by users voluntarily.
Before personal information is collected, the purposes for collection shall be clearly defined and stated to users.

・Limits on Use of Personal Information
The personal information provided by users shall be used within the scope of the purposes for collection stated in advance.
Personal information shall not be used for any purposes other than those stated in advance without the consent of the individual. As a general rule, personal information shall not be provided to third parties without the consent of the individual outside of these circumstances.

・Review of Personal Information Security Policy
The above details regarding the handling of users’ personal information shall be reviewed and improved as appropriate. Furthermore, the contents of the Personal Information Protection Policy may be revised without advance notice.
4.Links to the Website
When linking to the Chigasaki City Museum website (https://chigamu.jp/), please notify us via the Contact Form below regarding the website’s contents, address, the aim of the link, and your contact information.
Furthermore, the Website assumes no liability for any financial claims, grievances, demands, or damages, etc., from third parties in connection with the publication of links. Please also be careful not to cause any harm to the Website by linking to it.
The image and text, etc., files and their contents published on the Website may be altered or removed without notice. Thank you for your understanding.
[The following types of links are strictly prohibited]
  • ・Links from sites which publish illegal contents (including potentially illegal content) or which participate or may potentially participate in illegal activity (including potentially illegal activity).
  • ・Links from sites which publish or may potentially publish content which is contrary to public order and morals or considered harmful to minors (including content which may potentially classified as such).
  • ・Links from sites which contain content that libels the Website, or which may harm the reputation of the Website.
  • ・Links which obscure through the use of frames or other methods that the content originates from the Website.
  • ・Links which conflict with the aims of the Website.
5.Links to Outside Websites
Other sites and services linked on the pages of the Website are operated based on regulations and policies regarding personal information which differ from those of the Website, and the Chigasaki City Museum does not necessarily endorse any websites it links or the individuals and groups which manage and operate said sites.
The Website does not guarantee the safety of the provision of person information by users on linked websites.
Furthermore, we assume no obligation or liability associated with such provision of personal information.
6.Use of IP Addresses
The IP address log recorded on the Website’s web server is used for the purposes such as access statistics, etc. Furthermore, IP addresses cannot be used to identify individual users.
While we strive to maintain the accuracy of the information published on the Website, the Museum assumes no liability for any actions undertaken by users based on information published on the Website. Furthermore, the Museum assumes no liability under any circumstances for any damages or losses suffered by users as a result of accessing the Website.
While there may be sites linked on the Website which are not managed by the Museum, we accept no liability for the veracity, etc., of linked sites.
The Website may alter or remove content without notice. Thank you for your understanding.
8.Contact Information
Chigasaki City Museum
3786-1 Tsutsumi, Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 253-0006
Telephone: 0467-81-5607
Fax: 0467-81-5651
Contact Formopen_in_new